Another week and a few more pictures to share on the remodel. We are 'just' about done - so we are looking forward to the last little projects before we can fully move back into the house.
Of course, for every two steps forward there can be one step back. And this is the first time since we moved into this house in 1997 that we picked a color for the house that we didn't like after it went up. The first time was when Gary picked out the original color for his office. His office is a wonderful and rich Hunter Green today, but back when he first painted it with his good friend Steve - it ended up being pea soup (vomit) green.
This time around, it isn't nearly that bad. But we picked a color that we thought would really accent the fireplace and although it is nice - it doesn't have the affect we were going for. So, we will have the fireplace wall that runs on the North side of the Living and Dining Room painted in a new color.
Then we will leave the rest of the walls the Safari Tan color as you can see in this picture of the dry bar and part of the living room. Once it is repainted I will post a picture, but until then you will have to wait to see what color that we are going with. If you know us well enough, the new color shouldn't be too surprising coming from the two of us.
Additionally, the painters painted the inside trim around the sliders a galvanized Bronze that matches the color of the sliders. We both love the color and it was Robert's (from Ideal Building) idea - so big props to him for the suggestion.
While we were discussing the changes to the Living Room plans, we considered another of Robert's ideas and that was to pull up the carpet and lay down hardwoods in this room too. Then we would have hardwoods throughout the first floor and then carpet upstairs. After thinking about it for the weekend, Gary and I decided to stay with the carpet... for now. Who knows, we could change our mind and also replace the stairwell with hardwoods while we are at it too!
Outside, the new garage door was painted along with a repaint of the existing garage door too. It is really nice to finally have that done. Along with some touch ups around the garage and the windows on the house, most of the outside painting is now done.
We don't expect much to happen this week, although we do have a new brushed steel soap dish and mirror for the master bath. We hope to have these installed very soon, along with some trim work along the top of the vanity backsplash. More pictures once we have them!!
This is great info to know.
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