Friday, October 27, 2006

Outside of Robert from Ideal Building being here for a few minutes this morning, today was really a day for the electricians to do their stuff. I had a 7am meeting today and so Gary took Abbey and Lucy down to 'Tails of the City' in time to be back here for when they arrived.

In the kitchen, the electricians worked on installing new outlets on the eating bar, so they are close and accessible to the new stove top area. They set new wiring for the trio of lights that will hang above the eating bar and even put in an outlet under the eating bar so I can easily plug in my laptop when I am working from home. Yeah, Gary gets a whole bedroom with a gigantic cubicle for his workspace and I get a 18" space on the eating bar -- but I'm not complaining. ;-)

Additionally, they moved the four canned lights in the kitchen to create a better lighting area. And finally, they rewired the light switches for the kitchen.

Up in the master bathroom, they ran a new outlet to the half wall, so that we have power on both sides of the vanity. Up until we started the remodel, we had to run a cord across the back of the vanity from the left side to the outlet on the right in order to plug in things like the electric toothbrush. Simple things like one new outlet makes life in the bathroom a LOT better.

I picked up the dogs around 4:30pm and came home to find that the electricians were still working. I thought they would be done as I had no idea it would take all day to run, what I thought was, a few wires. But man did they do a lot of work. Since they were working both up and downstairs, I left Abbey and Lucy in my car and did some work on my computer in the Faux Kitchen while Gary worked in his office.

What I didn't realize is they still had yet to move the outlet in the Dry Bar area of the dining room (it needs to be raised due to the new height of the cabinet that will be installed). So one of the guys worked on this, while the other started to clean up.

I went outside and admired the nice new wall that Ideal Building installed against the new garage using the landscaping stones from the old Aunt Bee plot. This was a great idea, as it levels out the yard to the east just a bit and will prevent a waterfall of water coming down the driveway and yard when it rains (not that it ever rains in Seattle).

With a magazine in hand, I went up to my Equinox, opened the back hatch and sat with the dogs to keep them company and read while we waited for the electricians to finish up.

Once they were done, had cleaned up and left I brought the dogs inside with me. However, when you get used to the way that Ideal Building cleans up before they leave everyday - it was a little jarring to see a little mess here and there. So Gary and I brought in the shop vac and broom and swept up in the kitchen and bathroom before calling it a day and heading out for dinner.

After dinner, we stopped by Costco and looked at Flat Panel HDTV's!!! We are seriously considering putting our entertainment center up for sale on Craig's List along with the 32" HD Flat Screen TV next week. We have to move everything out of the TV room and faux kitchen for two weeks as the contractors will be refinishing the hardwoods and ripping out and replacing all the baseboards. So instead of moving all this stuff back in, we are thinking of selling it and getting the flat panel that I have wanted for a while now.


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